statrlab revagro

New Board of Directors

Enthusiasm, a strategic vision, shared ambitions, meaningful complex projects, and new economic dynamics.

On the occasion of the Board of Directors of Rev’Agro held on February 15, the founding members AGCO Corporation, GIMA – Transmission Technology, ISAGRI, Beauvais and its agglomeration, Cetim – Technical Center for Mechanical Industries, and UniLaSalle came together to finalize the collaborative innovation strategy.

This will make Beauvaisis a demonstrator territory for transitions towards agricultural resilience for sustainable and high-performance agriculture.

✅ Promotion of high-demand professions and future skills for our region’s benefit 📣

✅ Consolidation of our centers of expertise 👨‍🎓 👩‍🏭

✅ Consolidation of our value chains 🚜 💻

✅ Creation of bio-based 🌿and new energy sectors ⚡from our local resources

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